
Swissness: una buona soluzione

Swissness: una buona soluzione

Tutela dei consumatori – La legislazione sull’origine geografica per prodotti effettivamente fabbricati in Svizzera o per servizi provenienti dalla Confederazione, entrata in vigore il 1° gennaio 2017, è complessa ma efficace…

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Uno sguardo indietro per andare avanti

Uno sguardo indietro per andare avanti

Quanti sono i brand che sono ritornati sul mercato con grande successo e cosa ci possiamo aspettare per il futuro, in un periodo storico dove la visibilità nel mercato è annebbiata dall’evento pandemico? L’osservazione dei cicli economici altalenanti dei beni di consumo porta alla…

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Un esplosivo potere decisionale

Un esplosivo potere decisionale

Il fondatore del social network, Jack Dorsey, ha dei collaboratori ai quali concede molta autonomia e fiducia. Una di questi è Vijaya Gadde, capo dell’ufficio legale e safety expert. Quando il 6 gennaio 2021, Trump ha oltrepassato il limite, incitando i suoi fan alla rivolta, Gadde…

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Dati, bene sensibile

Dati, bene sensibile

I dati personali sono sempre stati importanti per le aziende e hanno assunto maggiore rilevanza il 27 ottobre 1994, con l’apparizione, sui nostri schermi, del primo banner pubblicitario. Da quel giorno, negli addetti ai lavori del settore pubblicitario, si è instaurato un bisogno di…

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Il mondo della moda si reinventa

Il mondo della moda si reinventa

Molti brand avevano iniziato a interrogarsi sul loro futuro molto prima della pandemia. La moda, inghiottita da un insieme di ingranaggi, non era più sostenibile. Per passare dalle parole ai fatti, il settore aveva bisogno di pensare in modo differente e la pandemia ha stimolato questo processo.

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Quando si inceppa la catena di produzione

Quando si inceppa la catena di produzione

Il Coronavirus ha messo in evidenza la fragilità di un sistema che prevede l’assemblaggio di innumerevoli prodotti in diversi Paesi. Una data cardine per questo tema, lato consumatore, potrebbe essere il 1988.

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Dove il commercio incontra il viaggio

Dove il commercio incontra il viaggio

Travel retail – Stazioni ferroviarie, aeroporti, distributori di carburante sono luoghi intermedi di consumo, molte aziende sono consapevoli delle crescenti potenzialità che offrono.

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Equilibrio nei consumi

Equilibrio nei consumi

L’ acquisto di un farmaco deve essere fatto in farmacia, direttamente oppure affidando l’incarico a un famigliare o amico, sempre che la ricetta medica lo consenta. Andare in farmacia per comperare quello che il medico ha prescritto è il primo passo verso altri potenziali acquisti in…

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Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem

Commercio al dettaglio: La condizione eccezionale portata dal Covid-19 ci ha costretto a cambiare le nostre esperienze quotidiane di consumo. Alcune torneranno come prima ed altre hanno aperto la porta a nuove e migliori possibilità di scelta.

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Commercio al dettaglio: La condizione eccezionale portata dal Covid-19 ci ha costretto a cambiare le nostre esperienze quotidiane di consumo. Alcune torneranno come prima ed altre hanno aperto la porta a nuove e migliori possibilità di scelta.

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Da War A Win Room

Da War A Win Room

Se è vero che il 18 maggio il mondo del retail apre i battenti, deve prepararsi a coniugare la gestione dei magazzini con quella degli sconti e della liquidità. Evitando azioni definitive.

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A shower of emails

A shower of emails

According to sales experts, email marketing is still an effective way to acquire customers, indeed more effective than advertising campaigns on Facebook and Twitter combined. Research by McKinsey states that…

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Tease me, please me

Tease me, please me

A teaser campaign is an advertising campaign that typically addresses the audience’s curiosity without fully revealing either the nature or the name and the brand or the advertised product. It…

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Say goodbye to the old banner AD

Say goodbye to the old banner AD

For twenty years banner ads have proliferated on the internet. Now, the ecosystem is seemingly disappearing, and so are these weeds. Journalists write their opinions and describe facts according to…

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Which brands will win?

Which brands will win?

Traditional marketing standards are changing. The proliferation of products reduces the number of initial-consideration potential brands, hence the competition. Who wins? Active consumers. As consumers, we were used to being…

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Ineffective shocking campaigns

Ineffective shocking campaigns

For many years I have worked in communication in healthcare field, developing dozens of campaigns that aimed at raising awareness on cardiovascular and oncological prevention in different European countries. Every…

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In economics, a commodity is a good requested by the market that is offered without a particular differentiation compared to competitors. Wheat, oil, copper, just to name a few, easily understandable examples. They are basic, not elaborate…

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From net sweepers to oblivion

From net sweepers to oblivion

Some years ago a friend of mine was sent to jail. He had gotten into some serious trouble. Everyone (or almost so) turned away from him. As it often happens when a negative occasion takes place, you look around and…

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Inappropriate SMS

Inappropriate SMS

Sixteen days after the mysterious disappearance of the Malaysian Airlines airplane, the tragic confirmation of what was feared arrived through a short message. The SMS contained this short message: “Malaysian…

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I am Tarzan, you are Jane, she is Cita

I am Tarzan, you are Jane, she is Cita

The trailer of the film Lassie Come Home (1943), after having shown a series of books in a domestic environment, highlighted at the end a nowadays well-known concept: a good…

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The paper I like to read

The paper I like to read

Some time ago during an editorial meeting, a little pedantic speaker stopped me asserting that all print media are influenced by advertising. The thesis I was sustaining was, on the…

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Where does the strength of a product lay

Where does the strength of a product lay

Everyone knows Mr. Bistefani – the great expert of the ancient recipe of Krumiri biscuits – who in a famous TV commercial argued with the pastry chef Carlo about the perfect balance between costs and the product’s…

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Everything started with the horses

Everything started with the horses

One of the most fascinating and creative professions at the moment, carried on by those who create and keep flourishing brands as Nestlé, Mercedes, Google, was born with a very…

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Hospitals as products

Hospitals as products

We are used to think about public hospitals as service centres led by the State to the benefit of the citizens and about private clinics as institutes specialized in one specific healthcare subject or another.

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New World, New Brand

New World, New Brand

This historical period is in fact fascinating, also because of the new brands we are getting to know. The relationship between us and the newcomers is totally different compared to…

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Every (false) cloud has a silver lining

Every (false) cloud has a silver lining

Is a peddler selling you a Louis Vuitton bag on the beach allied with the prestigious French brand? Counterfeit cigarettes dealt on the market are enemies of tobacco multinationals? Are…

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Mo je faccio er cucchiaio

Mo je faccio er cucchiaio

Sport is able to generate one of the rarest collective emotions: passion. Moreover, sport lovers are informed and prepared, something quite unique nowadays. If we put together enthusiasm, will and…

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Bought it since ever

Bought it since ever

The slogan of chocolates Baci Perugina says that “Just as your mom: she never changes”, Bucaneve biscuits are “a world of sweetness”, Panini stickers are “the great collections for kids”…

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In defence of Swissness

In defence of Swissness

The origin, the projecting and the production of goods that are renown as Swiss give an added value in a world competition ranking. A Swiss made watch is more valuable than a watch made in Italy or in Germany.

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Strange names

Strange names

Business communication has gone from the broadcasting of messages on TV, radio, placards and papers to an Internet-dominated strategy. Internet spreads images and information as no media before. In a…

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